About Malgosia

Hi and welcome!

I am Malgosia Stanislawski, also known as MARGO. I’m an international life coach, mentor, and bestselling author of the book WORTHY.

I share my life between the US and Europe, especially Poland, where I grew up.

The underpinning of everything that I do in my business is freedom.
Freedom drives each choice, and women drawn to my world usually recognize that quality about themselves. I’m for having it all with the cherry on top!

My mission on this planet is to help as many women as possible step into their power and start creating the lifestyle of their dreams.

I address all aspects of living from DESIRE- your wellnessbodylove liferelationships, business, and wealth creation. The foundation for all this starts with coding you back to WORTHY, accepting yourself fully, and ultimately loving yourself as you are because only then can you EXPAND and step into becoming HER.

I have vast experience in the beauty industry, both on the front stage and back, and I’m a certified health coach and esthetician.

I’m also a Master Coach of Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

But foremost, I’m a woman who constantly evolves! I go way beyond strategies and methodology. I lead with intuition and weave in energetics in all I offer in my business, so the results become embodiment. 
…Once you embody the new version of You it becomes effortless. It’s like putting new codes in, and your world starts shifting.

We’re all on a journey.

I’d love to be a part of yours.

Stay fabulous!!

How is my approach to Life Coaching different from other coaches...?

Margo  💋