Embrace Your Desires: Unlocking Personal Power Through Self-Love as a Woman

Unlocking Personal Power Through Self-Love as a Woman.

What if you took a pause from questioning your desires? Since they come from your heart and soul, then they are pure extension of you. True? Check how that rings with you. I want you to realize something …. you are questioning and doubting yourself each time you try to RATIONALIZE your desires and this is not how we deepen sense of worthiness and build personal power as women.

We build our dream life from wanting something, our power is DESIRE based. The duality - embrace your humanness but also decide to wholeheartedly believe in yourself. You need to feel safe with yourself, in your own skin remembering you always have your own back. It’s ‘no matter what’ safe place in you through the connection to the divine that’s within. That’s another example of what true self-love really is.

Stay fabulous while on your journey x

Wishing you a wonderful day,


Love. Malgosia (Margo)


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Embrace Your Worth: You Are Always Enough, Even on Your Worst Days

Uncategorized Sep 24, 2024

You Are Always Enough, Even on Your Worst Days:

You are always enough!

Even on your bad days when you feel like nothing works …

Even when you are sick and you just can’t do much or interact with anyone …

Your enough-ness is connected to your sense of worthiness. It’s that sweet feeling of safety within without pushing and hustling.

It’s subtle, it doesn’t scream. It’s a knowing deep inside you, sometimes it’s a gentle whisper.
You’re the cocreator of your reality, do you remember that in your hard moments and joyful ones?
Your sense of worthiness is your foundation for building the life you want, for fulfilling desires of your heart.

If you are enough and worthy just because you are existing and your heart is beating, then why we tend to overcomplicate this part so much … ?? No worries, it’s a rhetorical question, but you can reflect on the depth of it.

I went first and created the whole recoding sequence...

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Embracing Efficiency and Authenticity

mindset Sep 09, 2024

Why I Avoid Phone Calls: Embracing Efficiency and Authenticity as an Introverted Projector:

I don’t like calling people on the phone, here, I said it!!!

The only person I call every day when I’m not in Poland is my Mom. But if I have to make phone calls, I put them all together in a block and my phone calls are very condensed and right to the point. When we’re face to face I can talk to you for hours, but calling on the phone needs to have a clear, laser sharp goal. Hello projectors in human design, this is the skill to cultivate - efficiency. Instead of working 40 hours a week I can work 15-20 with the same results.

I remember fighting this, calling it overwhelming, laziness and other names that are not loving and “self-accepting”, until I reframed it and saw it as a great gift and awareness on my side. I saw how naturally efficient I am. Meetings face to face are a pleasure, and phone calls are the tool for efficiency and regaining lots of time. Win...

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Embracing Life

Embracing Life: Celebrating My Birthday with Joy, Wisdom, and Unapologetic Authenticity

On August 29th I was celebrating my birthday!!! Happy fabulous birthday to me!

And here’s a message that’s on my heart today …

I don’t understand people, women in particular, who don’t want to celebrate their birthdays. For God sake it’s a celebration of your life, my life, our lives!!! What’s the alternative? I’m happy to celebrate my existence.

But I see that the shame factor is still quite disturbing, we get to a certain age and are expected (society expects this of us) to wilt instead of staying vibrant, joyful and TURNED ON BY LIFE itself!! Or we fall into a ‘not good enough’ trap and go for a total make over that creates a plasticky look that doesn’t even resemble our old face … And why and for whom do we change it? I don’t mind it at all if it makes you truly happy but often it doesn’t. The inner world...

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How Simple Desires Can Transform Your Life

law of attraction Aug 27, 2024

Unlocking the Magic of the Law of Attraction: How Simple Desires Can Transform Your Life.

Yesterday I told my mom, “it would be great if they played Bridget Jones on tv, it’s time to re-watch it.” And, but of course, it’s on now!! Not even 24 hours after the initial desire was launched.

The easiest way of attracting what you want with literally Z E R O resistance is choosing something so epically simple, but pleasurable.



I bet you have proof after proof of little things happening in your life that look like little coincidences or synchronicities and sometimes you completely disregard them instead of highlighting THE MAGIC. This is your evidence and an invitation to strengthen the belief in co-creation from this point on.

The funny thing is that the law of attraction works the same way with everything in life, but it needs to feel light and in the spirit of “this or something even better!”

Unfortunately resistance and not believing...

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Align with Your Desires

Align with Your Desires: How Self-Worth and Energy Investment Propel You Towards Your Dreams

Your time cannot be wasted if you’re in alignment with what you want from life. It’s all time and energy investment in your dream, feeling good and becoming the next version of HER that will shift your perspective and bring the dream closer.

Your energetic match with your desires is what eventually creates a leap. And as with everything I teach, this circles back to feeling worthy and accepting yourself as you are now. You can’t procrastinate on that. Accepting yourself doesn’t mean you’re not continuously upgrading your growth and deepening what you already know if that’s your intention. Your sense of worthiness, love and compassion for this current version of you is the prerequisite to all of it … AND with the cherry on the top.


As always ~

Stay fabulous while on your journey x

Wishing you a wonderful day,


Love. Malgosia (Margo)...

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Perspective on DUALITY

Perspective on DUALITY... pain, gratitude and just ongoing EPIC love for life.

Yesterday, while I was shopping for jewelry, my favorite dainty necklace with my initial and a tiny diamond just broke in half … I was so sad and immediately put it in my wallet not to lose it. I thought to myself, why did this happen again? It just happened last year and I needed to go to the brand’s boutique in Warsaw to fix it. And then immediately I went to gratitude and thought how freaking lucky I was … this necklace broke in the store and I saw it happening catching it in my hand. Losing it somewhere on the street would hurt so much more, sentimentally at least.

Later on that day, we went to the party and once we got back home … I fell off the stairs while carrying sweatshirts to put them back in the closet. I was wearing long, loose, linen pants and lifted the fabric with my right hand so I wouldn’t trip. Needless to say, my toes looped into the fabric, I slipped...

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Reclaim Your Confidence and Worthiness with 22 Empowering Sessions

Reclaim Your Confidence and Worthiness with 22 Empowering Sessions


the star in your show of life.

The role of best supporting actress might be something you got used to, you normalized it and it stayed …

But it’s high time to step into the light and claim your heart’s dreams, the lifestyle you’ve been envisioning for yourself.

All of this connects to your sense of worthiness, self-belief and confidence.

It seems so easy at first glance or at the level of just logically reading this, but I created 22 sessions in Worthy to help you recode yourself into that state of belief in your essence, your power, your capabilities.

This process of un-doing, reprogramming you back to remembering who you are at your core requires devotion - time, focus, energy.

It’s fascinating how this underpins everything that’s connected to our personal freedom and creating this version of delicious life full of pleasure and wonder.

As always ~

Stay fabulous...

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Unlock Your Authentic Self: Embrace Your True Worth and Break Free from 'Nice Girl' Conditioning

Unlock Your Authentic Self: Embrace Your True Worth and Break Free from 'Nice Girl' Conditioning

It’s in our ‘nice girl’ coding that we want to fit in and be liked by everyone. It gives us a false sense of worthiness and societal acceptance. That’s the subconscious program we’re running in our brains.

But when you are your authentic self, with your hopes, desires and dreams, when you allow yourself to be unapologetically YOU, the layers of pretense dissolve and it’s impossible to be plain and neutral any longer … it’s like being grey but knowing there’s a whole range of rainbow colors you could choose instead.

But you keep choosing grey … why? It feels much safer.

It’s not easy to break that pattern of not accepting yourself. It feels uncomfortable to try on new identity. Choosing the freedom to be your true self, your authentic expression, will for sure trigger some but simultaneously it will epically inspire...

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Unlocking Abundance Through Gratitude

Podcast Summary: Unlocking Abundance Through Gratitude

Discover the transformative power of gratitude in this inspiring podcast episode. Margo shares personal anecdotes highlighting how simple pleasures, like the sounds of nature in the garden, the sight of a pastel-colored Japanese green tea, or the comfort of a warm meal, can deeply enhance feelings of gratitude. These moments of appreciation do not cost anything yet are accessible to everyone, capable of profoundly impacting our lives.

Gratitude, as emphasized in the episode, is not only about acknowledging what we have but also about increasing our vibrational energy. This shift in energy can attract more joy, happiness, and abundance into our lives. The host urges listeners to maintain this mindset consistently, as it is the simplicity of these grateful moments that can amplify the quality of our daily experiences and overall well-being.

Listeners are encouraged to find joy in the smallest things, whether it’s a beam of...

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