Unlock Your Potential. Be the Star of Your Own Life

mindset mood boosters Apr 21, 2024

Unleash Your Inner Star: Claim Your Dreams with Confidence - Podcast Summary:

In this powerful episode of "You Are The STAR," listeners are encouraged to recognize themselves as the main protagonist in their life's journey, rather than settling for a supporting role. Margo passionately conveys that habitual self-doubt often relegates us to the background, but it's crucial to break these patterns by reclaiming our self-worth and stepping into the spotlight.

The episode underscores the importance of self-belief, confidence, and discipline in turning aspirations into reality. It introduces the "worthy" program, which consists of 22 sessions designed to instill new, empowering beliefs and transform subconscious thoughts to revive inner strength.

Listeners are urged to apply discipline to focus their minds and actively work towards realizing their dreams. The concept of personal freedom is linked to creating a unique, fulfilling life that aligns with personal desires and values. The...

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5 Instant Mood-Boosting Hacks to Transform Your Day

5 Instant Mood-Boosting Hacks to Transform Your Day: Essential Oils, Sunlight, Gratitude, Dance, and Chocolate.

These hacks can change your mood and energetic state almost instantly!!

I was in a stuck energy yesterday and quickly managed to change my state turning the day around. I’ve created a little list for you as a guide to take you out of the lousy mood:

  1. Smell your favorite essential oil - I love rose, jasmine, geranium
  2. Look directly in the sun for a few moments to signal to your brain to stimulate vitamin D production
  3. Journal on gratitude and all the things that you’re thankful for including the simplest aspects of present moment such as sun shine, a hug, I love you’s …
  4. Now move the energy. Put your favorite music on and start dancing like nobody is watching or jump on a small trampoline (I acquired one during pandemic)
  5. Eat a piece of dark chocolate or drink a high quality cup of hot cacao



Do it in that specific order !

As always ~


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