Hi. Hi, this is Margo. Hm. Today, I'm coming to you with this big topic of failures and mistakes. I will start with this. Don't try to erase the mistakes you make; once you remove them, what stays there within you will also remove the wisdom you gained. Have you ever thought about eliminating errors that you made? You would also remove the knowledge you've gained throughout the years and be a completely different person. Let's take a deep breath. Have you ever thought about how great it would be if you could magically erase and remove all the failures from your life? We often feel that our mistakes are such a waste of time, and we punish ourselves for being stupid. I am lazy, uneducated about something, or just simply wrong. This is the moment you are letting your subconscious mind know you don't feel like you are enough as you are right now. So you, in that moment, deny your enoughness as a human being, as a worthy human being. I want to give you a fresh perspective because it can be very destructive. Uh, you know, this way of thinking can be not only draining your energy, but it's a form of self-sabotage too. So, I want to address this: each failure and mistake is a lesson. Suppose you consider your life a big school and put yourself there as a forever-evolving student. As I do, you start seeing how your mistakes created educational value. It is important to understand each mistake, and failure creates a pearl of wisdom. You can now carry it in your heart. You are wiser because of that, that mistake, and that failure. You are who you are because of what you've gathered up to this point. It was all necessary to show and teach you something, the element needed for your soul's journey and perhaps the completion of a cycle. When you start thinking of your failures and mistakes in these terms, you will perceive them as sacred gifts. That's what is needed for evolution to happen. This is far-fetched because we are talking in general terms. But those mistakes and failures can be your gifts. It's about reframing that right. So once you reframe that in your psyche, you will be more courageous to try new things in life, and you will stop being afraid of failure because there are no failures; there are only lessons, and those lessons are the gifts. Those are the gifts that create wisdom. Ok. I'm going to leave you with that. Go journal, reflect, and contemplate it more profoundly if you wish. Um, I want to wish you a fabulous day. Uh, And of course, you know, as always, stay fabulous wherever you are in the world and remember that you are worthy; your worthiness is innate. Nobody can change that. Nothing can change that you are just worthy. And that's the end of the story. Bye till the next time.