Reclaim Your Confidence and Worthiness with 22 Empowering Sessions

Reclaim Your Confidence and Worthiness with 22 Empowering Sessions


the star in your show of life.

The role of best supporting actress might be something you got used to, you normalized it and it stayed …

But it’s high time to step into the light and claim your heart’s dreams, the lifestyle you’ve been envisioning for yourself.

All of this connects to your sense of worthiness, self-belief and confidence.

It seems so easy at first glance or at the level of just logically reading this, but I created 22 sessions in Worthy to help you recode yourself into that state of belief in your essence, your power, your capabilities.

This process of un-doing, reprogramming you back to remembering who you are at your core requires devotion - time, focus, energy.

It’s fascinating how this underpins everything that’s connected to our personal freedom and creating this version of delicious life full of pleasure and wonder.

As always ~

Stay fabulous...

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Unlock Your Authentic Self: Embrace Your True Worth and Break Free from 'Nice Girl' Conditioning

Unlock Your Authentic Self: Embrace Your True Worth and Break Free from 'Nice Girl' Conditioning

It’s in our ‘nice girl’ coding that we want to fit in and be liked by everyone. It gives us a false sense of worthiness and societal acceptance. That’s the subconscious program we’re running in our brains.

But when you are your authentic self, with your hopes, desires and dreams, when you allow yourself to be unapologetically YOU, the layers of pretense dissolve and it’s impossible to be plain and neutral any longer … it’s like being grey but knowing there’s a whole range of rainbow colors you could choose instead.

But you keep choosing grey … why? It feels much safer.

It’s not easy to break that pattern of not accepting yourself. It feels uncomfortable to try on new identity. Choosing the freedom to be your true self, your authentic expression, will for sure trigger some but simultaneously it will epically inspire...

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Unlocking Abundance Through Gratitude

Podcast Summary: Unlocking Abundance Through Gratitude

Discover the transformative power of gratitude in this inspiring podcast episode. Margo shares personal anecdotes highlighting how simple pleasures, like the sounds of nature in the garden, the sight of a pastel-colored Japanese green tea, or the comfort of a warm meal, can deeply enhance feelings of gratitude. These moments of appreciation do not cost anything yet are accessible to everyone, capable of profoundly impacting our lives.

Gratitude, as emphasized in the episode, is not only about acknowledging what we have but also about increasing our vibrational energy. This shift in energy can attract more joy, happiness, and abundance into our lives. The host urges listeners to maintain this mindset consistently, as it is the simplicity of these grateful moments that can amplify the quality of our daily experiences and overall well-being.

Listeners are encouraged to find joy in the smallest things, whether it’s a beam of...

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Empowering Women's Coaching

Empowering Women's Coaching: Beyond Masculine Strategies


I see lots of people becoming coaches and instantly undermining what true coaching really is. I especially see it when I’m in Europe where most female coaches I’ve observed have very masculine approach to life. Nothing wrong with that, it stems from history and cultural upbringing, but my perspective is completely different.


My coaching is not a bullet point strategy but a bespoke experience.  When you listen to mindset leaders, and they are mostly men, like Tony Robbins, as a woman you learn his strategies and think this is the only way … It’s not, and I truly love the guy. I’ve learned so much from him at the beginning of my journey.


The truth is for us women this style of performance is not sustainable ! READ MORE   READ MORE   READ MORE   READ MORE   READ MORE



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The Power of Play: How Embracing Fun Can Transform Your Life

mindset podcasts May 07, 2024

How Embracing Fun Can Transform Your Life:

In this enlightening podcast episode “Worthy & Free. This Affects Everything in Your Life Queen”, Malgosia Stanislawski emphasizes the profound impact of incorporating play into our lives. Reflecting on her own experiences. Margo reveals how daily play and fun not only boost her mood but also amplify her creativity and joy, affecting every aspect of her life. She advocates for a light-hearted approach to life, urging listeners to give themselves permission to embrace their inner joy and childlike wonder regularly.

Margo connects this practice to a higher spiritual and emotional state, where one can access 'sacred space vibrations' and explore new realms of imagination and creation. She stresses the importance of gratitude, which she notes has the power to significantly alter life's trajectory towards more abundance and fulfillment.

Additionally, Margo invites listeners to explore her personal development resources available...

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Unlock Your Potential. Be the Star of Your Own Life

mindset mood boosters Apr 21, 2024

Unleash Your Inner Star: Claim Your Dreams with Confidence - Podcast Summary:

In this powerful episode of "You Are The STAR," listeners are encouraged to recognize themselves as the main protagonist in their life's journey, rather than settling for a supporting role. Margo passionately conveys that habitual self-doubt often relegates us to the background, but it's crucial to break these patterns by reclaiming our self-worth and stepping into the spotlight.

The episode underscores the importance of self-belief, confidence, and discipline in turning aspirations into reality. It introduces the "worthy" program, which consists of 22 sessions designed to instill new, empowering beliefs and transform subconscious thoughts to revive inner strength.

Listeners are urged to apply discipline to focus their minds and actively work towards realizing their dreams. The concept of personal freedom is linked to creating a unique, fulfilling life that aligns with personal desires and values. The...

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Rediscovering Łódź: My Emotional Journey & Growth as a Global Citizen

Explore how Łódź, Poland, shaped my journey from childhood nostalgia to becoming a life coach. Discover my emotional, travel-infused path to personal growth.

Last night before falling asleep I opened my journal and started writing. To be completely frank with you, I always go through a mix of emotions when I come to Łódź, my beloved hometown in Poland. My family is here, and I spent my childhood in this place, that’s why it’s so close to my heart. It’s sentimentality, nostalgia. There’s an air of melancholy here that I’ve never experienced anywhere else.

On my flight from Chicago there was a group of American filmmakers that were visiting my hometown just for 2 days to make a documentary. Łódź is located in central Poland and is recognized for its internationally known Film School, art Nouveau architecture, and as a former center of textile industry. Lots of artists live here. Its face has changed so much through the years.

But back...

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Embrace Discipline & Freedom for Soulful Success

manifestation mindset Apr 05, 2024


Discover how blending discipline with freedom fuels happiness and fulfillment in life:

So much of my writing happens in the car somewhere on the road and I loooove that!!! If you’re not new to my world, you can easily see that everything in my life is underpinned with this feeling of sweet freedom, something that connects me to my soul clients in my private containers.

This is just a side note but here’s a story …

I left my Pilates class feeling so accomplished and good about myself. I love how my posture changes and I don’t have to even think of not slouching.

It’s become effortless to keep my spine straight.

I’ve always loved the way ballerinas hold their heads high with grace, so delicate and beautiful. Even though I was trying to imitate that as a child and then a young woman, it felt unfamiliar and strange in my body.

I know this for sure and you can check with yourself if that’s also true for you -

Feeling good about myself...

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Embrace Your Authenticity: Beyond Social Media's Illusion

Embrace Your Authenticity: Beyond Social Media's Illusion:

People are funny sometimes.

They think that they know everything about you just from seeing little curated slivers of your life on social media …

I control what I show and there’s a vast number of things I don’t share. This platform and social media in general is for me and not the other way around. I control what I see and what I share.

Same with my phone, it doesn’t control me and my time …

I have authority over that.

But some people forget …

Phones and social media took control over majority of their lives disconnecting them from reality.

When Facebook was down a couple of weeks ago I found out from friends …

I didn’t know, I was enjoying lunch with my friend in a real 3 D life setting.

Each time I feel like something or someone is trying to control me or manipulate my mind I turn the other way.

I’m not mainstream …

Never was.




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Money DOES NOT buy Mental Health

mindset transformation Mar 20, 2024

Money does not buy You Mental Health

I’m watching the Kardashians on Hulu, the 4 new seasons recorded after 2020. I don’t know previous seasons, well, I’d be lying actually, haha!! I watched it in 2018 when we lived in Barcelona and it was the best entertaining show plus you could see so much of behind the scenes of really high luxury lifestyle.

This episode I just watched from a year ago is when they went to Milan for the Fashion Week. This is exactly the week when I was in Milan and I remember the whole buzz  around their arrival. I remember huge crowds in front of the hotel when we were sightseeing on the foot, our favorite way to explore the city.

I asked a couple of young people in the crowd if they knew what was happening. They said that Kendall is staying in that particular hotel and they are all waiting for her to exit so they can see her live and snap pictures.

See, this is the kind of game that doesn’t thrill me. Watching the...

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