Embrace Discipline & Freedom for Soulful Success

manifestation mindset Apr 05, 2024


Discover how blending discipline with freedom fuels happiness and fulfillment in life:

So much of my writing happens in the car somewhere on the road and I loooove that!!! If you’re not new to my world, you can easily see that everything in my life is underpinned with this feeling of sweet freedom, something that connects me to my soul clients in my private containers.

This is just a side note but here’s a story …

I left my Pilates class feeling so accomplished and good about myself. I love how my posture changes and I don’t have to even think of not slouching.

It’s become effortless to keep my spine straight.

I’ve always loved the way ballerinas hold their heads high with grace, so delicate and beautiful. Even though I was trying to imitate that as a child and then a young woman, it felt unfamiliar and strange in my body.

I know this for sure and you can check with yourself if that’s also true for you -

Feeling good about myself creates more happiness and fulfillment in all areas of my life including business.

I can’t even imagine leading a happy and fulfilled life with no discipline whatsoever. You create that coveted FLOW applying some discipline into your life first. There’re so many days when I don’t want to move but I still do. I created a habit and I know which things I want to move forward in my life even if it’s just one degree, one little, microscopic shift.

I invite you to explore all the possibilities for yourself.

What activates you?

What creates happiness and peace in your body?

And then …

Do more of exactly THAT!!

This is your fire

As always ~

Stay fabulous while on your journey x

Wishing you a wonderful day,


Love. Malgosia (Margo) 💋


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