Embracing Fabulousness. You are your BELOVED.

mindset Mar 10, 2024

You are your BELOVED …

The sparkly star of your life …

When I look at my dainty diamond ring, I bought for myself at Tiffany’s in 2018 to celebrate my union with self, I remember thinking to myself that this brilliant stone is like a symbolic star that I admire on the indigo Californian sky … I lived there at that time and fell in love with that region and having access to the beach each single day. Basically, living on the beach …

I gifted myself this ring as a reminder of my commitment to cherish the love and acceptance for ME …

To have compassion for ME …

To embrace ME when it’s challenging and painful.

Loving yourself is easy when everything works out and you’re happy …

We associate it with lightness - bubble baths, flowers, chocolates, cuddles …


But when you face challenges, and we all do despite the social status, that’s the time when you need to honor this commitment to love yourself the most.

This journey to self-love is about deepening your understanding of what it actually means and honoring that truth.

Your unique version of the dream life is built on that foundation and if that’s the case, it’s unshakable and you feel invincible, like the sky is not even the limit…

You go into the realms of limitless …

So yes, we talk about self-love like it’s a cotton candy but there’re thousands of layers of what it actually means.

Happy love day, week, year my beautiful souls x

As always ~

Stay fabulous while on your journey x

Wishing you a wonderful day,


Love. Malgosia (Margo) 💋


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